Upper Canada Home Inspections

Phone: (613) 938-9387          Email: Michael A. Furniss                   HOME

Pre-Purchase or Pre-Listing Home Inspections

Purchasing a used house is usually the most expensive undertaking a prospective buyer will make during a lifetime.

Pre-Purchase Inspections are recommended by CMHC to provide the prospective buyer with enough information about the structure so that they can make an informed decision. Major areas that are inspected include:


The entire house, inside and out, is visually inspected to identify deficiencies in all the areas listed above.

Some of the items commonly found include (but are not limited to) old oil tanks, ungrounded wiring, knob and tube or aluminum wiring, lead supply pipe, old furnaces, questionable structure, foundation cracks, water infiltration issues, etc.

30 Day Home Inspections

Many new houses are not always all they are cut out to be and many builders representatives will whisk a new owner through the house and point out minimal issues or paint blemishes etc. Then at the end of the whirlwind tour they will ask you to sign off on your purchase. Did you know that you have the first 30 days to submit a list of defects to the builder? By hiring an Upper Canada Home Inspector in the first 30 days, you can have peace of mind that your house is what you expected it to be.

Do you know what you are looking for when you go through the house above and beyond paint color and tile patterns? Do you know your rights and are you prepared to accept your new house without professional advice? By hiring an Upper Canada Home Inspector in the first 30 days, you can have peace of mind that your house is what you expected it to be.

Are you aware of your rights under the Ontario New Home Warranty Program? By hiring an Upper Canada Home Inspector in the first 30 days, you can have peace of mind that your house is what you expected it to be.

Renovation Deficiency Inspections

Have you had or are you planning to do any renovations to your existing house as opposed to purchasing? Have you found a quality contractor with good references?

Many renovators are home handymen with spare time on their hands. All renovations should have a written contract that specifies materials and time frames. CMHC has some great links for homeowners who want to do some renovations to their homes.

Do you know what to look for during or after major renovations? Was a permit taken out? Were the plans adhered to? Were the listed materials actually used? These any many questions a concerned homeowner should be asking and another area where a professional home inspector can help you out.

One year Warranty Inspection

Another item that is strongly recommended by the Ontario New Home Warranty Program is a one year inspection on your new house. Foundation settlement, heating and cooling issues, water infiltration and others are all items that a professional home inspector can detect for you prior to the one year problems list that you submit to your builder.

The Ontario New Home Warranty Program was created to protect you so make sure you take advantage of it!